Monday, August 27, 2007

Wife In The Hospital

My wife had to go into the hospital last night for something called an intussusception. Basically, her intestine telescoped in on itself and started bleeding. She had to have emergency surgery last night around 10:00p.m. She came through it better than the surgeon expected because she had symptoms for 3 days before the hospitalization. The surgeon thought he would find necrotic tissue, but everything was in excellent shape.

This usually occurs in children and is very rare in adults. Surgery is usually required in adults to rectify the problem. She's expected home in three days.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE: Elizabeth came home on Thursday. She's sore and uncomfortable but she's getting better every day. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers. It helped so much.


turdpolisher said...

Best of luck and a speedy recovery to the Missus.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I hope everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

Hope you wife's recovery is quick and easy. Scary stuff!

Did you ever tell her about the snake incident? Just wondering. ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope the missus has recovered and is doing well now.

Going back to some of your earlier posts, Pittsburgh has had more than the usual amount of gang violence this year. Typically, Allegheny County has less than half the murder rate of Cleveland, but it will likely be more this year.

I do have a future story for you.
September 21, Hudson Holiday Inn - Steeler Fan makes high school reunion participants flee in fear!

Yeah, I'll be there - the wife wants to see the losers I went to high school with.

Penguins Fan

PS - September 9 - Go Steelers!