Thursday, November 29, 2007

What Does Fun Consist Of?

Possibly my idea of fun and your idea of fun may not mesh but I got a kick out of what I was asked to do this morning. I was asked if I'd be able to shoot b-roll of a 25 acre campus of buildings at 6:25 a.m. to help out our dry live shot. And to feed it back before our 6:40am hit.

Nothing like trying to get around 20 some odd acres without use of my live unit which happened to be broadcasting said live shot and have it back in 15 minutes.

Nothing like a little planning, huh?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Mom2Amara said...

Hmmm, planning. I know nothing of the sort...

Chris said...

If planning and logic is what you're into, then go build a bridge. That garbage ain't in the desk's game plan.