Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bracing For It

They say a storm is coming. They say that we'll get at least a foot of snow. Do I believe it? No. Will we get snow? Sure we will. We Usually do. But the fact that we went into "war" mode about snow once again really has me baffled. You'll never convince me that anything less than a blizzard is cause for wall to wall "team" coverage of snow. Why? Because in winter, it snows here. I know, call the media....err..wait, don't call us. We'll be out covering the flakes calling it the worst snowstorm since '78.

I agree that we do need to cover it. Put one reporter on it, have them cover it. Put the other reporter on GA. Let it go. It's snow. It's winter. It happens.

All I know is, I'm sure to be sent straight from home to drive all over God's green white earth. to shoot the stuff as it falls to the ground overnight tonight.

To quote Monty Python's Flying Circus, "My nipples explode with delight!!"

/end sarcasm mode.


turdpolisher said...

Sounds just like our producers when it rains...It's South Louisiana. It rains. Get used to it.

It's all because some consultant who couldn't cut it as a news director told the GM that weather wins. I've always contended thatwhen folks say they watch the news for the weather, all they want to know is how they have to dress tomorrow. But try to convince the suits.

Widescreen said...

Yep, heard this story before. we are in Summer, its hot and dry and now we have bushfires. The office acts like it's never happened before! You would think that we were being invaded.

Every year we get bushfires. Sure we need to cover it but everytime they are the 'worst yet' or the 'most distructive' etc etc....

Yep, try telling them it's summer and the bush burns! Has done for the last 100,000 years.