Monday, January 16, 2006

Executive Decisions

This morning for the MLK Holiday, my reporter Jacque, myself, and my partner Barry were sent to the local Marriot where a celebratory breakfast was going to be held. Our executive producer of the morning show wanted us inside the Marriot in their ballroom live...for a 7:30 a.m. breakfast.

At 5 a.m. in the morning..

In an empty ballroom...

With no one around...

No tables set up...

No chairs in place...

With locked doors to the ballroom...

No phones, no lights, no motorcars...oh, sorry, I got sidetracked.

Yeah, you're probably saying to yourself what I said to myself. So, we went live OUTSIDE the Marriot with actual people walking around behind us.

1 comment:

sapphoto said...

I had to do an MLK breakfast as well that started at 7:30. The morning show was over by 7. At least we had tables set up behind us and some preparation behind us. I feel your pain.